Drew Conte

Drew Conte is pursuing a Master of Management in Hospitality degree at Cornell University. Prior to enrolling in graduate school, Drew was completing Marriott’s manager-in-training program in the rooms division, at one of the largest non-casino hotels in the country, the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center in Nashville, TN. There, he was able to apply his customer service and leadership skills at a corporate level operation, working on projects to increase employee engagement and guest satisfaction. Drew graduated from Johnson & Wales University Magna Cum Laude in 2019, with a degree in hotel and lodging management. He solidified his passion for hospitality and travel after completing several internships, ranging from front office operations in MI to destination marketing in RI. Currently, Drew is expanding his knowledge of the industry and hopes to transition into a marketing role upon graduation.

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Nolan BusinessFeed

Building a Sustainable Future: How Hotels are Blending Design and Technology for a Greener Tomorrow

The global hotel construction pipeline has reached a record high, and consumers are asking developers and brands to consider sustainable construction and design initiatives.

A screenshot, showing the five webinar panelists smiling during the online event.
Johnson BusinessFeed

Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry: Challenges and Opportunities

CHR hosted a virtual keynote webinar to explore the challenges and opportunities of sustainability in the hospitality industry

A screenshot, showing the four webinar panelists smiling during the online event.
Nolan BusinessFeed

The Importance of Social Listening: Using Technology to Provide Personalized and Customer-Centric Service

A virtual keynote to explore how hospitality companies can leverage social listening to deliver personalized guest experiences

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Nolan BusinessFeed

Country Clubs and Crisis: How one segment of the hospitality industry is surviving the pandemic

Country clubs offer socially-distanced outdoor amenities and activities that allow people an escape without flouting CDC guidelines or travel restrictions.