MMH reflections from the Class of 2018

As we say farewell to our 2018 Master of Management in Hospitality (MMH) graduates, here’s a look at some of their favorite moments and accomplishments from the year-long program.
Nick Osterfoss, MMH ’18
Favorite memory

The photo above was from the MMH luncheon where we hosted all the invitees for Hotel Ezra Cornell. I chose this photo because it represents the friendships and lifelong memories you’ll develop with classmates along the MMH journey.
Greatest accomplishment
I’m very happy I attained a GPA I’m proud of; but in hindsight, the classes you take, the networking, and what you actually learned and walk away with are infinitely more important.
Why MMH?
The MMH program has students from a wide array of backgrounds and interests. Since you can take a broad array of classes, it’s perfect for tailoring your individual career goals. And as always, you gain access to the Hotel School and Cornell’s alumni network.
Advice for the Class of 2019
Get to know your peers and actively invest in your friendships.
Sarah Mandel, MMH ’18
Favorite memory

This photo is my favorite because it was taken at the MMH reception during Hotel Show weekend. It was a celebration of MMH alums and our current class—we got to meet so many great connections and our class had a blast. Hotel Show weekend was a whirlwind of events, dinners, receptions and a lot more, and it was something I’ll never forget. In fact, that’s where I met a recruiter for my new job!
Advice for the Class of 2019
You never know who you’ll meet, so always be prepared. This year is about academics, of course, but don’t forget that it’s the people you meet who will get you where you want to go in your career.
Vishwas Badami, MMH ’18
Favorite memory

My favorite memory over the past year was working on a team project with fellow MMH-ers Jake, JP, and Nathan for our Restaurant Development class. We were building a fictional restaurant for the South Boston market and we decided to spend a weekend in Boston for market research. Apart from rummaging through people’s trash, stalking customers, and drinking copious amounts of coffee and whiskey from 10 different cafes for “research purposes,” I got to analyze the market from four very different lenses.
Our team came from diverse backgrounds: an upscale chain restaurant, fine dining, and family business. The diversity of our class has been the biggest benefit of our program. I have learnt as much from my fellow MMH-ers as I have from the actual classes. I am even using a modified version of the financial model we built for Boston for my entrepreneurial venture!
Greatest accomplishment
As a member of Cuvee Wine Society, I was chosen to be part of a three-person team to represent Cornell at the Left Bank Bordeaux Cup in New York City. We placed third for North America, the highest position in Cornell’s history. The whole experience was great fun, we were able to try some spectacular wines from the five growths of Bordeaux and I even got to compete alongside my fellow MMH-er and friend, Liz Colicchio.
Advice for the Class of 2019
Take Consumer Behavior with Helen Chun! Regardless of your career path, this will be useful in your life. And get the student wine membership at Red Feet—it’s $30 and will help you get through the year.
Alice Wu, MMH ’18
Favorite memory

Last May I came to Cornell and started a whole new chapter in my life. The photo above is the very first group picture we took, and it was an amazing start to my new adventure.
The MMH program is only a year long, but there was so much to do during this short period of time. We held parties and gathered together very often, we traveled to places together, and, of course, we studied together in our lounge.
Why MMH?
If anyone has a passion for pursuing a career in hospitality, I would totally recommend the MMH program because the program is so unique. People have different areas of expertise because of their different backgrounds, and they are all willing to teach each other. Here you can learn so much aside from just the classes you take.
MMH program benefits
I came to Cornell to learn knowledge and skills to fulfill my career goals, but I also made lots of friends and met with industry leaders that are graduates of the Hotel School. The alumni network at the Hotel School is amazing, and it is one of the most precious things I could get only by attending the program. Another benefit of the MMH program is that you will have friends to meet and places to stay wherever you go because of the diversity of the program.
Mohamad Jaroudi, MMH ’18
Advice for the Class of 2019

I sincerely recommend that “having fun” be part of every MMHer’s experience during the very brief time spent in beautiful Ithaca. My favorite memories come from the time spent with my MMH family, the trips we made together, and all the laughs we had.
Students must choose classes based on a balance between what truly speaks to them and what would help transform them into the very best candidate for their future endeavors. Let the professor teaching the class be the main driver behind your choices and please do not overload!
Read more from the MMH cohort on BusinessFeed.