The 180: Hotelies study abroad

The 180 is an annual magazine and yearbook written and published by students in the School of Hotel Administration. The final product is distributed to Hotelies at the end of the academic year.
The hospitality industry is truly global and always changing. Students in the School of Hotel Administration are encouraged to spend a semester—or a year—abroad to gain a deeper understanding of the world, experience a new culture, and explore career opportunities. Here are some memories that Hotelies shared about their international experiences with Cornell Abroad during the 2017–2018 academic year.
Tasha Lam ’19
Barcelona, Spain

“Choosing to study abroad in Barcelona has undoubtedly been one of the best decisions I’ve made during my time at Cornell. During my time abroad, I lived with a Spanish host family, which proved to be an invaluable experience. My host parents made me feel welcomed and comfortable in such a foreign environment, and my adorable host brother and I quickly bonded over mutual interests such as Harry Potter, Ed Sheeran, and Barcelona’s football (soccer) team. Though I enjoyed attending classes and meeting new students, I had an even greater time immersing myself in the city’s architecture, history, language, food, and nightlife. Living in such a prominent city, I was also able to spend my weekends traveling to other European regions, such as France, Italy, Ireland, the Balearic Islands, and the Netherlands. Spending an entire semester outside of the United States has helped me gain a better understanding of—and greater appreciation for—different languages and cultures, and I am unbelievably grateful to have had this opportunity of a lifetime. I will always cherish the memories I’ve created during my time abroad, and Barcelona will always have a special place in my heart.”
Charlotte Lefkovitz ’19
Siena, Italy

“Study abroad has been one of the most impactful experiences of my college career! I believe the opportunity to gain new perspectives from living and studying outside of the United States is essential to working in an increasingly globalized economy, and I completely recommend all SHA students who are able to take advantage of this incredible opportunity! Living in a smaller city like Siena has given us the opportunity to learn more Italian, eat better food, and interact with more of the locals on a day-to-day basis.”
Robert Rice ’19
Semester at Sea

“Semester at Sea is a once in a lifetime journey that has given me the opportunity to eat, explore, and experience the culture of 10 countries around the world while learning more about myself as a traveler and global citizen.”
Elyse Wolin ’18
Chiang Mai, Thailand

“Becoming close with my Thai roommate, Ging, helped me learn the language, become immersed in the culture, and gain a lifelong friend.”
Chelsea Hummer ’19
Sydney, Australia

“I love living directly next to the ocean. I have also had the opportunity to work with Accor as a sales and marketing intern, which has been an amazing part of my experience.”
Rachel Wenger ’19
Trastevere, Rome

“Studying abroad is an incredible experience. If you are lucky to have the opportunity to take a semester (or a year) abroad, go! One of the best parts about going abroad is that it has helped me to put my Cornell experience into perspective. In college, we take our friends and all the connections we make for granted, but after this experience I hope to go back for my senior year with a newfound appreciation for everyone I have in Ithaca, NY.
Being abroad has been a sneak peek into my life post-graduation. When we are not lucky enough to live two minutes away from our best friends or see them every day in class, I think we all fear that we will lose touch over time. Going abroad has taught me more about my Cornell friends than I could have ever learned about them in school. The group of people who have woken up early, stayed up late, and just generally made time to facetime and call and text me abroad are people I know will be my best friends (SHA and Non-SHA) long after graduation. That certainly doesn’t mean that people with whom I didn’t keep in as close contact with aren’t still some of my best friends! It just means that the friends who keep you just as updated about their life when you are abroad, are the friends that will surely stick by you in post-Cornell life.
If you choose to do a lot of traveling, see your Cornell people! Study abroad is amazing, but it can feel lonely, so seeing some friendly faces was definitely the piece of home that I needed at times. When Cornell friends visited Rome, it was great to be able to show them my favorite Apertivo spots and around my home in Trastevere. Visiting them in their host cities was even better! It’s the best way to see a city. They showed me secret food markets, incredible neighborhoods, and of course the best dinner spots. It is amazing to hear what my Cornell friends are doing, and all the adventures they are having around the globe!
The best advice I could give people considering studying abroad is to figure out what you want to get out of the experience. If you want to eat incredible food and relax and have the opportunity to do a lot of traveling within your host country, I am rather partial to choosing Italy. But besides picking a country, it’s important to pick a city that suits your needs. For example, if you want to travel a lot and on the cheap, Rome is better than Florence because it is far cheaper and easier to fly out of Rome than Florence. The best way to learn about all this is to talk to people who have been on these programs. Reach out to the study abroad staff and find out who in SHA has sent in prior years. Ask them about transportation, cost of living and eating, and anything else you might be wondering.
Regardless of where you end up, go in with your eyes wide open and take it all in! Find your coffee shops, grocery stores, and favorite pizza places. Finding these places will give you a brand-new home away from home, and they will make your abroad experience truly one of a kind. Bon voyage!”
1 Comment
Shawn Meyer
YAY! It’s so great to hear from our students studying abroad! One of the most gratifying parts of my job at the Hotel School is to advise, counsel, and assist students in realizing their dream to study abroad! Thanks for sharing! Shawn Meyer
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