Nolan 100th
News, stories, and updates related to the centennial celebration at the Cornell Peter and Stephanie School for Hotel Administration

Savor the Centennial Edition of Hotelie Magazine
The SC Johnson College of Business is pleased to announce the publication of a commemorative edition marking 100 years of hospitality education.

100 years of Cornell Hospitality: Alumni Celebrate at Gala
Over 300 alumni of the Nolan School of Hotel Administration walked the red carpet at the 13th annual Icons and Innovators (I&I) Awards gala.

Cornell Nolan School Celebrates A Century of Hospitality Leadership
The Cornell Nolan School of Hotel Administration announces a yearlong celebration to commemorate its 100th anniversary.

First Among Giants: Chuck Feeney ’56
Learn more about Chuck Feeney’s colossal impact on Cornell, the tourism and retail industries, and, with no exaggeration, the world.

Intro to Wines: A Vintage Classic Turns 40
Described as “an essential Cornell experience” more than a decade ago, the Intro to Wines course has a long and storied history at Cornell.

Honoring Professor Howard Bagnall Meek
H.B. Meek was the sole professor of the new Program in Hotel Management when it held its first day of classes at Cornell on September 20, 1922.