Research With Impact

Part of a renowned research institution, SC Johnson College is home to innovators and experts who produce and share original knowledge. Here are some of those stories.

Johnson School

Boosting mental muscle leads to better performance

A new study from SC Johnson College explores the concept of “cognitive endurance,” defined as the ability to sustain performance in cognitive tasks over time.

Close up of a screen showing a graph with light blue bars and a red line increasing irregularly on a dark blue background.
Johnson School

Impact Funds Offer a Lower-Risk Proposition for Private Markets

Based on a new benchmark that analyzes risk exposure and performance, impact funds hold their own against conventional funds.

photo of a woman's forearms and hands pressing down on a pillow with soft lighting in the background.
Nolan School

Enabling Hotel Guests to Customize Their Rooms Fosters Customer Loyalty

Hotel guests who can customize their rooms by selecting layout, snack bar offerings, and pillow softness are more likely to become loyal customers.

A male professional in an office environment thinking
Johnson School

Going Against One’s Better Judgment Amplifies Self-Blame

Researchers found that when people go along with opinions of others, they feel more culpable if things go wrong.

Two doctors meeting.
Johnson School

Ethical Depth: The Cure for Today’s Medical Industry

A new Johnson School paper explores why doctors may fall prey to conflicts of interest and proposes a new approach called “deep professionalism.”

Image of a crowded, impoverished city
Dyson School

‘Structural poverty’ maps could steer help to world’s neediest

A new mapping approach could help policymakers identify where people live in extreme poverty and target resources more effectively.

One man and two women site on stage for a panel discussion.
Johnson School

World Economic Forum Expert: “Circularity” Can Drive Growth

Hernán J.F. Saenz III, MBA/MILR ’98, urged businesses to minimize waste, maximize product lifecycles, and separate economic growth from resource consumption.

photo of a large city filled with tall buildings and a busy highway, taken in the evening and showing lights in the buildings and traffic-filled highway.
SC Johnson College

For Emerging Markets, ESG Will Not Work Without Economic Growth

The combination of ESG and economic growth can help ensure sustainable and inclusive long-term development in emerging markets.

Bottles of beer in a glass cooler
Dyson School

Beer Sold in Grocery Stores Drives Higher Sales in Other Categories

Beer-purchasing households visit grocery stores more frequently and increase their total monthly grocery expenditures.