Research With Impact
Part of a renowned research institution, SC Johnson College is home to innovators and experts who produce and share original knowledge. Here are some of those stories.

Dead & Company concert funds $800K for new climate solutions
Two of the five projects announced this month by The 2030 Project are led by SC Johnson College of Business faculty Chris Barrett and Elena Belavina.

Persistent questioning of knowledge takes a toll
Dyson Assistant Professor Laura Niemi’s research shows regular exposure to even subtle prejudice and discrimination degrades physical and mental health.

Promoting Thank-you Gifts Can Boost Charitable Donations
For some charitable donors, the extra incentive of a gift is an important lever for opening pocketbooks SC Johnson College of Business research finds.

Many Firms Prefer Ready-made AI Software, with a Few Tweaks
Many firms are opting for ready-made AI technology that can be tailored to a firm’s specific needs finds research coauthored by Dyson’s Chris Forman.

To Vape or Not to Vape: When an E-Cigarette Tax Has an Impact
The Johnson School research suggests that taxation could have an impact on reducing vaping among young people.

Stand By Your Group: Loyalty Can Blur Ethics Line
Loyalty to a group vs. an individual was more effective in eliciting followers’ compliance with unethical requests, research by Angus Hildreth found.

Research: Unraveling the Pursuit of Entrepreneurship in the Fashion Industry
The research from the Johnson School suggests that the decision to launch a startup is not solely based on personal characteristics but also involves how organizational roles and social dynamics influence the choice.

International moves can pay off for venture-backed startups
Very few venture-backed startups move from their original location to a new country, but those that do benefit financially, according to new research.

Scanner data can help NYS farmers boost market sales
Researchers partnered with NYS livestock farmers using point-of-sale technology, then analyzed their market transactions and uncovered insights that could increase farmers’ profits.