Graduating MBA students honored at dean’s Awards Brunch

Graduating students, their families, faculty, and staff gathered on Friday, May 26, 2017, for the annual Dean’s Awards Brunch. The brunch was hosted by Mark Nelson, the Anne and Elmer Lindseth Dean of the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management. Students were honored for numerous activities and achievements, including academic performance, business plan development, and outstanding leadership.
Banfi Vintners Entrepreneurship Award
Fresh Fries
Team: Michael Annunziata, Rebecca Leigh Mosner, Vipul Prakash Saran, Natalia Solano Gutierrez, and Harrison Willis
The Banfi Vintners Award is given by the Mariani Family for the most feasible and best-written business plan completed in our Entrepreneurship & Private Equity course.
Best Demo: Cornell Tech MBA
Google Research
Team: Steven Chen and David Da-Wei Cheng
The Best Demo award recognizes a student or team that best captured the essence of their goals.
Best Pivot: Cornell Tech MBA
Grizzly Learning
Team: Jeffrey P. Clement and Ben Legman
In the spirit of “most improved,” the Best Pivot award goes to the student or team that was able to quickly act and reflect to produce a better product/deliverable.
John Blodgett MBA ’84 Peer Award
Katherine C. McGuire
The John Blodgett Peer Award was established by the Class of 1984 in memory of their classmate John Blodgett. John was a student who was always willing to help his fellow classmates, both in and out of the classroom. His support and friendship enhanced the Johnson experience for many. In honor of John, each year the entire first-year class selects a second-year student who has made a significant contribution to the first-year class through a formal or informal teaching, advising, or coaching role.
Community Award: Cornell Tech MBA
Stephen Gerhard and Chelsea Sassouni
The Cornell Tech MBA Community Award recognizes a student or team that contributed to improving the public good.
Consulting Award
Ryan Scott Armstrong and Natalia Solano Gutierrez
The Consulting Award recognizes graduating students who have displayed the ability to become outstanding consultants through demonstration of the requisite attributes. The winners were selected by the Career Management Center and Consulting faculty with input from the Critical Thinking and Leadership staff and faculty.
Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Award
Faye Celeste Allison, James Brown-Williams, and Fabrizzio Orlando Chaves
The Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Award, given by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, recognizes graduating students who have shown leadership and commitment to the Johnson community by either encouraging or improving inclusion, or expanding Johnson’s global brand and imprint through their work on projects and initiatives.
Finance Award
Katherine C. McGuire
The Finance Award recognizes a graduating student who has demonstrated outstanding scholarship and who has enhanced Johnson by his/her contributions. The Finance faculty selects the prize recipient from the top five students.
Albert Fried, Jr. Fellowship
Faye Celeste Allison, Ryan Scott Armstrong, Katherine Michelle Hammes, Ziad Jarjouhi, William Andrew Rodger, Srinath Sampathkumar, and Chelsea Sassouni
The Fried Fellowships were established by a generous gift from Albert Fried, Jr., a longtime member of the school’s Advisory Council and a graduate of the Class of ’53. Fried Fellowships are awarded annually to Johnson students who have distinguished themselves both in the classroom and in leadership in extracurricular activities. Johnson students and faculty members nominate Fried Fellows. Each Fellow works with an individual professor or staff member on issues of common community or intellectual interest.
Hemmeter Entrepreneurship Award
Pure Spinach
Team: Ziad Jarjouhi, Serdar Mizrakci, and Hope Ann Phillips
The Hemmeter Award is given by the Hemmeter Family to the business plan most likely to launch a successful business, as determined by our Entrepreneurship Faculty.
Integrative Case Competition
Patrick Timothy Grumley, Farzad Hasnat, Yea-Ting “Tina” Lee, Jefferson Tsun Shin Li, and Nathan Treybeck
The Integrative Case Competition takes places at the end of the first semester of the first year.
S. C. Johnson Marketing Case Study Competition
Leslie Diana Cruz Palaios, Hope Ann Phillips, Jacob Jelin Schwarz, Philip Fitzgerald Sheridan, and Bryan Wong
The S. C. Johnson Marketing Case Study Competition award is given to winners of the competition in the Marketing core course
Samuel C. Johnson Award in Sustainable Global Enterprise for Individual Leadership
Leo Aidan Renaghan
The Samuel C. Johnson Award in Sustainable Global Enterprise for Individual Leadership recognizes an outstanding student who has demonstrated excellence, leadership, and/or scholarship in the area of sustainability while at Johnson.
Samuel C. Johnson Award in Sustainable Global Enterprise for Team Impact
Team: Michael Joseph Goodman, Kiel John Iwanik, Samyukta Veena Jana, Vincent K. Kapur, Katherine Leonetti, David Betsock Orellano, and Huong Minh “Holly” Pham
The Samuel C. Johnson Award in Sustainable Global Enterprise for Team Impact recognizes an outstanding team of students who have demonstrated excellence in leadership and made a lasting contribution that has helped to shape the Sustainable Global Enterprise program at Johnson or enhanced the visibility and reputation of Johnson’s Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise through a project, initiative, etc.
A. Donald Kelso Award
Joseph Xavier Barber and Brendan W. Freeman
This award is given to individuals who have contributed significantly to the advancement of the school and who have helped to make it a better place.
Leadership Crisis Challenge
Amy Kaye Griffis, Patrick Timothy Grumley, Geoffrey Ide Johnson, and Alexa Ing Stern
The Leadership Crisis Challenge is an intensive, two-day case competition that tests students’ ability to lead during an escalating corporate crisis.
Leadership Prize
Joshua Jefferies
This award is given to a graduating MBA student who has demonstrated outstanding scholarship in the fields of management and leadership and who has demonstrated their commitment to those fields in terms of both their extracurricular activities and in their chosen careers. This winner is selected by the faculty in the Management and Organizations group.
Leading Teams Case Competition: One-Year Ithaca and Cornell Tech MBA
Andrew Alex Davoodian, Trevor David O’Connell, Pratham Sarin, Jonathon Jacob Shiff, and Elizabeth Williams
The Leading Teams Case Competition Award is given to the winners of the team case competition in the Leading Teams core course.
Leading Teams Case Competition: Two-Year MBA
Leslie Diana Cruz Palacios, Hope Ann Phillips, Jacob Jelin Schwarz, Philip Fitzgerald Sheridan, and Bryan Wong
The Leading Teams Case Competition Award is given to the winners of the team case competition in the Leading Teams core course.
McAllister Essay Award in Honor of Charlotte Rosen for International Student Excellence in Business Writing
Naim Muhammad Hassin, Ziad Jarjouhi, Mauricio Medaets, and Marcelo Oliveira de Paiva
The McAllister Essay Award in Honor of Charlotte Rosen is given to international students for excellence in business writing.
McAllister Speech Award in Honor of Charlotte Rosen
Kenneth M. Eneboe, Sonia Gupta, Gerald Henry Mason, Francine O’Bum, and Steven A. Vuleta
The McAllister Speech Prize is given to students for excellence in presentation during the case competition that is part of the Marketing core course.
New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants Superior Scholarship in Accounting Studies Award
Yoichiro Goto and Karen Rongfei Yang
Each year, the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants honors the student(s) with superior academic performance in the accounting courses that comprise the registered accounting curriculum, as selected by the accounting faculty.
Vithala & Saroj Rao Marketing Prize
Elizabeth Ann Kosta
The Vithala & Saroj Rao Marketing Prize recognizes a second-year marketing student who has demonstrated outstanding scholarship and who has enhanced Johnson by his/her contributions. The Marketing faculty selects the prize recipient from the top five students.
Jan H. Suwinski Award given by Corning for Excellence in Strategic Operations
Kenneth M. Eneboe
The Jan H. Suwinski Award given by Corning for Excellence in Strategic Operations recognizes excellence in strategic operations, as selected by Operations Management faculty.
Henny Wittink Memorial Marketing Prize
Alexander Nicholas Prounis
The Henny Wittink Memorial Marketing Prize was established in honor of a prominent Dutch businessman. The student selected was chosen for both academic performance and substantial contributions to Johnson.