Andrew Novakovic named to International Dairy Federation Committee

Andrew Novakovic, the E.V. Baker Professor of Agricultural Economics, has been elected by the General Assembly of the International Dairy Federation (IDF) as the sole academic member of its Science and Program Coordination Committee (SPCC).
The International Dairy Federation represents dairy industries in 47 countries. Since 1903, it has been the leading international voice for the global dairy industry and a source of scientific and technical expertise for all stakeholders of the dairy chain. The SPCC ensures the coordination and supervision of scientific, technical and policy considerations related dairy issues. It reviews all work plans from IDF Standing Committees and considers new organizational initiatives.
Novakovic said the International Dairy Federation brings together perspectives from the businesses involved in producing milk and dairy products and in marketing foods, the consumers and citizens interested in healthy foods and a healthy planet, and the elected officials and government agencies that are involved in promoting good policies.
“This sort of engagement is a perfect example of bringing the expertise and knowledge cultivated in academia to the solution of issues that speak to the most fundamental issues of health, sustainability and prosperity,” Novakovic said.
The IDF is an essential voice for the global dairy community, particularly with other international bodies such as the World Health Organization, World Bank, or the Food and Agriculture Organization.
“Being on the highest coordinating body for the scientific community within the dairy industry is a great opportunity to contribute to how we address important global challenges and opportunities for this globally important industry. The dairy industry worldwide has a long tradition of relying on science-based knowledge to do the right thing, the right way,” added Novakovic, who is a leading scholar on the economics of the dairy sector and dairy policy and also serves as co-chair of the National Program on Dairy Markets and Policy, which he founded in 1979.
Novakovic currently serves as the director of Land Grant Programs for the Dyson School and previously served for 10 years as the school’s leader. Throughout his career, he has been actively involved with other food and animal science researchers and educators in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. He also chairs the Ag6 Initiative, which helps to coordinate the teaching programs for CALS students who are interested in careers in the agricultural and food sectors.