Dyson community celebrates students, faculty, and staff at awards ceremony

It’s been an incredible year for the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management. Students, faculty, and staff gathered on Friday, April 27, 2018, in recognition of some of the many excellent contributions during the 2017–2018 academic year. The awards ceremony celebrated the Dyson School’s mission and values and honored some of the many people who make it unique. The award categories ranged from outstanding service by a teaching assistant and outstanding faculty achievements, to the Spirit of Dyson award, which acknowledges the achievement of a graduating senior throughout the course of their time as a Dyson student.
Student Awards
Spirit of Dyson Award
Maddie Roglich ’18
An acknowledgement of outstanding and balanced achievement over the course of Dyson enrollment, this award recognizes an individual who has consistently displayed strong intellectual development; thoughtful leadership and service to peers, the school, or the university; a global, problem-solving perspective and commitment; and the highest standards of accountability and integrity. The Spirit of Dyson Award is the premier student award at the school and awardees present a speech at the Dyson graduation ceremony.

Outstanding research in Applied Economics and Management
Amy Tran ’18
An acknowledgement of outstanding research achievement over the course of Dyson enrollment, this award recognizes an individual who has added to our understanding of applied economics and management. Research may take many forms—large or small individual projects over time, or support for a team or faculty members, etc. The student receiving this award is driven by intellectual curiosity and maintains high research standards.
Outstanding Service — Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
Archana Choudhary ’18
Awarded to the undergraduate student TA who has demonstrated exceptional contributions to the Dyson curriculum, as demonstrated by input such as supervisor nominations, student feedback and observable learning, course development activities, and commendations by peers.

Outstanding Service — Graduate Teaching Assistant
Yuanning Liang, PhD candidate
Awarded to the graduate student TA who has demonstrated exceptional contributions to the Dyson curriculum, as demonstrated by input such as supervisor nominations, student feedback and observable learning, course development activities, and commendations by peers.

George Warren Awards
Christina Korting, PhD candidate (1st place)
“Who Will Pay for Increasing Biofuel Mandates? Incidence of the Renewable Fuel Standard Given a Binding Blend Wall.”
Chair: David Just
Jianwei Xing, PhD candidate (2nd place)
“Cars or Trucks? The Impact of Discrete Attribute Basing in Fuel Economy Regulations.”
Chair: Shanjun Li
Mary Kate Wheeler (3rd place)
“Agriculture-Nutrition Pathways in Peri-Urban Villages: Linking Farm Production with Household Dietary Diversity in the Andean Highlands.”
Chair: David Lee
Awarded to graduate students who have completed outstanding research and scholarship in Applied Economics and Management.

Cyril F. Crowe Award
Alexander Ferreira ’18
Awarded to undergraduate seniors who have demonstrated academic excellence in Applied Economics and Management.

Graduation Awards
Degree Marshalls
Alexander Ferreira ’18
Betty Lazis ’18
College Name Banner Bearer
Bethany Tang ’18
Michelle Wang ’18
College Symbol Banner Bearer
Ritesh Shinde ’18
Based on classroom contribution and service to the school, for the honor of leading the Dyson graduation processional, winner are among the top 10 percent in academic performance in the graduating class.

Faculty Awards
Teaching Excellence — Undergraduate Program
Deb Streeter, professor
Awarded to the faculty member who is an exemplar of delivering high-quality, engaging and rigorous instruction in the Dyson undergraduate curriculum. The committee will typically consider input such as nomination letters, one or two years of student course evaluations, innovations in (or relevance of) curriculum content or delivery, and evidence of student learning.

Teaching Excellence — Graduate Program
Shan Li, associate professor
Awarded to the faculty member who is an exemplar of delivering high-quality, engaging and rigorous instruction in the Dyson graduate curriculum.
Outstanding Early Career Achievement
Byoung Hwang, assistant professor of finance
Awarded to the early career faculty member who has shown extraordinary promise in one or more of the following areas: teaching, research, engagement, advising, or administration.

Research Excellence — “Our Business is a Better World”
Miguel Gomez, associate professor
Awarded to the faculty member or team with outstanding research supporting our mission, including:
- Research publications demonstrating the Dyson value of “our business is a better world”
- Such publications appearing in peer-reviewed journals of high academic quality
- Evidence of participation in national and /or international conferences
- Citation of work by individuals or groups other than the nominee’s collaborators.

Outstanding Achievement in Engagement
Jennifer Ifft, assistant professor
Awarded to the faculty member or team who exemplifies excellence in engagement, extension, and/or applied learning, broadly defined—including but not limited to contributions to our land grant mission.
Tribute to Retiring Faculty
Dale Grossman, senior lecturer
Jack Little, professor of practice

Staff Awards
Dyson Fellow — “Above and Beyond”
Caitlin Owens
The top staff award, given to the person who most exemplifies Dyson’s mission and values. Designed to highlight performance that surpasses expectations, and makes a significant or unique contribution to the work of Dyson, this award should be based upon consensus reports from supervisors and colleagues, as well as other relevant measurements of excellence.

Dyson Values Award
Laura Hufnagel
Michelle Cranston
Jen Williams
Linda Sanderson
Recognizes staff who support and enact Dyson’s core values: Continuous Improvement, Integrity, Diversity and Inclusion, Industriousness, Engagement in Dyson’s mission, Innovation and Collaboration, Caring and Collegiality, and Service.

Community Award
James J. Byrnes Award for Excellence
Dyson Cares
Sponsored by Tompkins Trust Company, this award recognized individuals or groups for their outstanding volunteer service to the community.