Saurab Prabhakar, MBA ’24, Plans To “Pay It Forward” After Graduation

By: Staff
A view of Barnes Hall and the Cornell clock tower with Cayuga Lake int he background.

Saurab Prabhakar ’24

Major/program: 2 Year MBA Program; Strategic Product & Marketing Immersion

Headshot of Saurab Prabhakar.
Saurab Prabhakar, MBA ’24

What will you always remember about your time at Cornell? Why is it so memorable?

Leading Zumba classes for the entire Cornell community has to be one of the most unforgettable experiences I had. It turned into way more than just a fitness class. It became this awesome space where people from all over campus could cut loose, have a blast, and connect. I met so many new friends through Zumba, and it created this amazing support system that I felt super lucky to have throughout my time at Cornell.

Doing the greatest good is a big part of being a Cornellian. How will you carry this into your career and life after Cornell?

Cornell’s motto of “doing the greatest good” definitely stuck with me.  Beyond the classroom, I saw its impact through amazing orgs like ROMBA, Out for Undergrad, and of course, The Consortium, where I found some of my best friends. Moving forward, I want to pay it forward for future Cornellians, just like those who came before me. That means advocating for underrepresented groups and continuing to partner with incredible organizations like The Consortium.  I can’t wait to become an advocate for the firms I work at, keeping that pipeline strong for future generations!

What is the most valuable thing you learned in your time at Cornell? 

Cornell definitely leveled up my whole intelligence game. I knew social and emotional intelligence were key, but the real game-changer was cultural intelligence. Meeting classmates from all over the world and taking Professor Walden’s amazing Intercultural Communication class (seriously, Professor Walden is the best!) opened my eyes to navigating different cultures. This skill is going to be huge in my future career – being able to understand and connect with people from diverse backgrounds will be a major asset in any team!

What are you most looking forward to after graduation?

Super excited to hit the ground running after graduation!  Moving to NYC for a killer product manager role is gonna be awesome.  It’s all about finding that perfect blend of work that aligns with my passions, and this feels like the sweet spot. Plus, who knows, maybe I can find a way to keep the Zumba party going in the Big Apple – gotta stay creative, right?