Community Insights

Scanner data can help NYS farmers boost market sales
Researchers partnered with NYS livestock farmers using point-of-sale technology, then analyzed their market transactions and uncovered insights that could increase farmers’ profits.

Park Perspective: The Power of Curiosity in Conflict Management
Ashley Hamilton, MBA ’24, explores the importance of curiosity in both conflict management and leadership.

Park Perspectives: Let the Battle of the Brands Begin
Ben Marks, MBA ’24, discusses learning opportunities outside the classroom, exemplified through the Battle of the Brands competition.

Park Fellows alumni spotlight: Solomon Tesfaye MBA ’15
Solomon Tesfaye, MBA ’15, reflects on how his Park Fellow experience influences his approach to leadership in both his professional and personal life.

Park Perspectives: Living Inclusivity
Derek Ju, MBA ’24, reflects on inclusivity at Johnson.

Park Perspectives: Start asking “why”
Colin Anderson, MBA ’23, encourages students to find their purpose.

Park Perspectives: Working hard and being kind in the most competitive of arenas
Darren Horne, MBA ’23, advises on leaning in to support systems during recruiting.

Park Perspectives: Sowing seeds for courage
Valerie Hanke, MBA ’23, reflects on learning how to develop courage as a daily habit.”

Park Perspectives: It’s okay not to be okay
Rachel Starr, MBA ’22, reflects on how embracing her struggles have made her an approachable leader.