Community Insights

A person reaches for a package of frozen meat at the farmers market.
Dyson School

Scanner data can help NYS farmers boost market sales

Researchers partnered with NYS livestock farmers using point-of-sale technology, then analyzed their market transactions and uncovered insights that could increase farmers’ profits.

two people in a canoe on a lake surrounded by trees.
Johnson School

Park Perspective: The Power of Curiosity in Conflict Management

Ashley Hamilton, MBA ’24, explores the importance of curiosity in both conflict management and leadership.

Students standing at table in matching shirts promoting Nair products at Sage Hall
Johnson School

Park Perspectives: Let the Battle of the Brands Begin

Ben Marks, MBA ’24, discusses learning opportunities outside the classroom, exemplified through the Battle of the Brands competition.

Headshot of Solomon Tesfaye
Johnson School

Park Fellows alumni spotlight: Solomon Tesfaye MBA ’15

Solomon Tesfaye, MBA ’15, reflects on how his Park Fellow experience influences his approach to leadership in both his professional and personal life.

Group photograph of students who gathered for dumpling making event
Johnson School

Park Perspectives: Living Inclusivity

Derek Ju, MBA ’24, reflects on inclusivity at Johnson.

MBA students pose in front of a lake
Johnson School

Park Perspectives: Start asking “why”

Colin Anderson, MBA ’23, encourages students to find their purpose.

Park Fellows celebrate case competition victory
Johnson School

Park Perspectives: Working hard and being kind in the most competitive of arenas

Darren Horne, MBA ’23, advises on leaning in to support systems during recruiting.

Valerie and High Tech Club pose in front of HTC election results
SC Johnson College

Park Perspectives: Sowing seeds for courage

Valerie Hanke, MBA ’23, reflects on learning how to develop courage as a daily habit.”

Park Fellows posing in front of mountains in Peru
Johnson School

Park Perspectives: It’s okay not to be okay

Rachel Starr, MBA ’22, reflects on how embracing her struggles have made her an approachable leader.