Present Value

Four student leaders conduct a Board meeting over Zoom.
Johnson School

Park Perspectives: Learning by doing

The Present Value board reflects on how the MBA podcast has allowed them to try new things and learn from both successes and mistakes.

portrait of Michelle Duguid
Dyson School

Present Value: Beyond the buzz, a conversation about diversity, inclusion, and belonging

Associate Dean Michelle M. Duguid discussed her research on diversity in the workplace and her strategy for creating real and lasting change.

photo of Kaitlin Woolley
Johnson School

Present Value: Kaitlin Woolley on achieving goals and connecting around food

Marketing Professor Kaitlin Woolley discusses her research on goal pursuit, information avoidance, and how food facilitates social connection.

portrait of Gautam Ahuja
Johnson School

Present Value: Gautam Ahuja on innovation prerequisites and life as a professor and scholar

Professor Gautam Ahuja, speaks about the prerequisites a firm needs to promote innovation and about life as a professor and scholar.

Michael Waldman
Johnson School

Michael Waldman on market rationality and promotion signaling

Waldman, a Johnson professor of economics, discusses these and other prominent themes from his influential research career.

Present Value COVID-19 podcast guests
Johnson School

Present Value: Perspectives on COVID-19

Faculty members Andrew Karolyi, Lynn Wooten, Li Chen, Vishal Gaur, and Kaitlin Woolley discuss business impacts of COVID-19.

side by side portraits of Ryan Guggenmos and Kristina Rennekamp
Johnson School

Present Value: Ryan Guggenmos and Kristina Rennekamp discuss the human side of accounting

Professors Guggenmos and Rennekamp discuss behavioral accounting research and analyze the impact of diverse investment communications.

Robert H. Frank portrait
Johnson School

Present Value: Robert Frank discusses his new book, Under the Influence: Putting Peer Pressure to Work

By Maria Castex, MBA ’21 Present Value, an independent editorial project produced and hosted by Johnson students, had the pleasure of interviewing Robert H. Frank, the Henrietta Johnson Louis Professor […]

Reggie Fils-Aimé ’83
Dyson School

Present Value: Reggie Fils-Aimé ’83 reflects on leadership and corporate innovation

Reggie Fils-Aimé ’83, leader in residence at Dyson, shares lessons he’s learned at Nintendo and other companies during his 35-year career.