New faculty introduction: Tashlin Lakhani
Lakhani is an assistant professor of management and organizations at the School of Hotel Administration.

With the academic year upon us, meet the newest faculty from across the SC Johnson College of Business and learn about their academic focus, teaching and interests.
Tashlin Lakhani | Assistant Professor | SHA
Education: PhD ’14, Cornell University
Previous Academic Role: Assistant Professor of Management and Human Resources, Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University
Class(es) you’ll be teaching this year: HADM 2810 Human Resources Management (Spring 2021)
What is your research/teaching focus?
HR in hospitality. Specifically, I study HR practices and organizational outcomes in franchise businesses in the hotel and restaurant industries. I have taught courses on human resource management, labor relations, and franchising.
What attracted you to the SC Johnson College of Business, specifically SHA?
I got my PhD at the ILR School with a minor in Hospitality Management, so I spent a lot of time at SHA as a graduate student. Joining the faculty at SHA feels like a homecoming.
Have you adapted your research or teaching focus in any way because of COVID-19?
Covid-19 has challenged me to think more critically about the impact of my work, both in terms of research questions as well as the implications of my research for different groups. It has also led me to be more creative in how I engage with industry and students. I hope that the lessons I am learning during the pandemic will help me be a better researcher and teacher in the long term.
What are you most looking forward to during your first year at SHA?
Getting to know the Hotelies! I am so excited to work with such a highly motivated and focused group of students.
When did you know you wanted to be a professor?
After I conducted my first research study. I have always had a passion for teaching, but it wasn’t until I experienced firsthand how data and research connect to practice that I decided to pursue a career in academia.
What first sparked your interest in your research/area of study?
I was interviewing hotel managers about their HR practices in two hotels operating under the same parent company. One thing I didn’t know was that the two hotels had different ownership structures – one was company managed and the other was franchised. As I began to learn about each hotel’s management practices, I found that ownership matters. This sparked a brand new line of inquiry. That’s what I love about research – there are always new and unanticipated insights to be discovered!
What do you do to recharge?
I am a foodie. I love going to restaurants and I love to cook. During the pandemic, I have been attempting to recreate dishes from some of my favorite restaurants around the world. I crave the rush of excitement that comes from creating something delicious from scratch and being able to share it with others.
1 Comment
Dr Bala Naidoo
Hi Tashlin
Just keeping in touch. Had a heart warming call from your parents yesterday.
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