New faculty introduction: Marquise Riley
Riley is a lecturer of accounting at Dyson

With the academic year upon us, meet the newest faculty from across the SC Johnson College of Business and learn about their academic focus, teaching, and interests.
Marquise Riley | Lecturer of Accounting | Dyson
Education/Previous academic role:
B.S. Industrial and Labor Relations – Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations; M.P.S. Management: Accounting – Cornell SC Johnson College of Business, Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management
Classes teaching this year:
Financial Accounting; Auditing and Assurance
What is your research/teaching focus?
My research focus will be on Tax History, Tax Policy, and Behavioral Decision-making in Tax.
What attracted you to the SC Johnson College of Business, specifically Dyson?
One of the main factors that attracted me to the Dyson School was my own experience as a student in the School including the opportunities for research, close collaboration with faculty, and community outreach. I hope to continue to pursue each of those opportunities and facilitate students in their own pursuit of those I had and more.
Have you adapted your research or teaching focus in any way because of COVID-19?
Thus far, I have not had to adapt my research focus, and in a way, the pandemic may have enhanced the relevance of my research focus. Unfortunately, this is not the first pandemic the world has encountered. However, because we have a record of our previous pandemic responses, it provides an opportunity to analyze, illuminate and present observations of how our response has changed or may need to change in regards to tax policy following a pandemic, and particularly in this case, an ensuing recession coupled with extraordinary governmental fiscal and monetary spending.
What are you most looking forward to during your first year at Dyson?
I am most looking forward to teaching and forming connections with students. Teaching is one of my passions and I am excited to begin my career working with the talented and driven students at the Dyson School. While I attended Dyson, the faculty I worked with made my experience unforgettable and rewarding. I am excited to pay it forward in my position now.
What do you like best about teaching?
The best part about teaching is the moment when a student that has really worked to understand and master a subject, “gets it.” Especially in the case of learning new and foreign concepts, it often requires quite a bit of work, practice, frustration, and guidance. The moment when that understanding “clicks” for them is obviously incredible for the student who has been grinding to attain that understanding; but it is also immensely rewarding for you as a teacher to be a positive influence in a student’s achievement. Helping others grow and be the best version of themselves is one of the primary drivers of my passion for teaching.
What’s the best book you’ve read this year?
I am going to be difficult and list two books here: “Educated” by Tara Westover which was an incredible story of perseverance, growth, and achievement; and “How to be an Antiracist” by Ibram X. Kendi which has helped to open and even shift my thinking about the way I perceive the world around me.