Cornell SC Johnson College Dean Named Chair of RRBM Board
Charles Field Knight Dean Andrew Karolyi started term June 15, 2023

Cornell SC Johnson College of Business Dean Andrew Karolyi has been named the chair of the RRBM working board, by the Responsible Research for Business Management, a diverse group of 20 leaders from business schools and associations worldwide. RRBM is an organization dedicated to inspiring, encouraging, and supporting credible and useful research in the business and management disciplines.
As chair for a two-year term, Dean Karolyi will serve as chief executive officer and will preside over quarterly meetings, in addition to other duties, such as serving as liaison to various committees.
“Dean Andrew Karolyi is absolutely the right person at the right time to take over the leadership of RRBM. He has been committed to RRBM’s principles and is well connected, which will positively influence the direction of business school research and have a greater positive impact on society. His energy, enthusiasm, and influential skills will help elevate the organization to the next level,” said David Reibstein, outgoing RRBM chair and professor of marketing at the Wharton School.
RRBM is a consortium that was founded in 2015 by a group of prominent scholars at 23 university-based business schools. One of the founding scholars is a longtime colleague of Karolyi’s, Maureen O’Hara, professor of finance, at the SC Johnson College of Business’ Samuel Curtis Graduate School of Management.
As part of Karolyi’s overarching goals for RRBM he plans to prioritize enhancing support for the early career scholars through the RRBM Honor Roll, the Dare-to-Care PhD Scholarship, and the RRBM Award programs.
“As chair of the RRBM Board, I am pleased to work with Vice Chair Jennifer Howard-Grenville to steward the organization forward in encouraging business schools worldwide to pursue useful research with societal impact top of mind. We want to work together to help transform how responsible business research is published, how it is recognized and rewarded within business schools and universities and how it informs and is taken up by the business community,” said Dean Karolyi
RRBM recently hosted the 2023 Responsible Research Summit “Advancing Responsible Research for Societal Relevance,” in Fontainebleau, France. Karolyi spoke at the event intended for members of the research ecosystem in business and management fields.