China pulls ahead among major economies in pandemic recovery
Professor Eswar Prasad points to China as the likely primary driver of global growth over the coming two years.

How to safely — and graciously — host friends and family as the weather gets colder
Lecturer Lilly Jan suggests those who wish to host friends at home for safe social gatherings should take their cue from restaurant pandemic measures.

G-20 suspends poor nations’ debt payments for 6 more months
Professor Eswar Prasad talks international debt relief and China’s growing influence as a creditor.

China growth limits global economic damage from pandemic, IMF says
Professor Eswar Prasad says China moved swiftly to control the spread of COVID as well as support the economy.

How restaurants can prepare now to safely remain open in the winter
Senior Lecturer Stephanie Robson discusses innovative design solutions so restaurants can ensure public safety from COVID-19 and endure post-COVID.

August’s trade gap was the biggest in 14 years. That’s probably good news.
Professor Eswar Prasad says rising imports to U.S. shores is a bright spot for the current economic recovery.

Opinion: Let Bezos and Musk make billions. Just force them to share a little with the rest of us.
Professor Emeritus Bob Frank argues that increasing the capital gain tax could make money available to help many aspects of our society.

Hilton, Hyatt and others pull back the curtain on making hygiene more than theater
SHA Dean Kate Walsh discusses cleanliness and communication as hotel brands leverage sanitization as a selling point following a harsh travel year.

COVID-19’s impact on work, workers, and the workplace of the future
A paper co-authored by Dyson’s Kevin Kniffin offers projections about the workplace of the future and roadmaps for future research and action.