Organizational Behavior

Manager Visits Heighten Workers’ Motivation, Productivity
When a company’s “big boss” pays a visit to observe and connect with workers on the front lines, research shows it leads to increased productivity.

Worker mobility can impact adoption of new technology
The research team found that increased worker mobility can negatively impact a business’s ability to adopt new technology such as artificial intelligence.

COVID-19’s impact on work, workers, and the workplace of the future
A paper co-authored by Dyson’s Kevin Kniffin offers projections about the workplace of the future and roadmaps for future research and action.

The character of conscience
You can help yourself to act virtuously in your personal and professional life by acknowledging that you are vulnerable to mistakes in moral judgement.

Think alike? Swipe right.
Innovation flourishes when corporations with similar cultures merge.

Getting To Green
Glen Dowell, associate professor of management and organizations at Johnson, focuses his research on corporate sustainability.

What Happens Now?
A new book co-authored by John Hillen, MBA ’04, examines common leadership stalls and how to overcome them.

Sports & Leadership
Lessons learned in sports have helped Johnson graduates succeed in the business world. Here’s how.

Purposeful challenges us all to be movement starters
Purposeful, a new book by Jennifer Dulski ’93, MBA ’99, shows how successful changemakers gain momentum.