Entrepreneurship & Venture Capital

An employee checks her smart phone for employer updates.
Johnson School

Innovative Tech Platforms Facilitate Better Communication

New tech platforms hope to facilitate communication between employer and employee.

Featured image of woman at computer workspace
Johnson School

Hotel Ezra Cornell Sponsors Virtual Conference on “Prioritizing People Over Dollars”

Industry leaders partnered with academic scholars to discuss people over dollars: prioritizing people-oriented solutions in a business landscape.

headshot of Daniel Johnson
Johnson School

Student Voices: Meet Daniel Johnson, Executive MBA Metro NY Class of 2022

Learn why Daniel Johnson, a private equity principal focused on African markets, joined the Executive MBA Metro NY Class of 2022.

headshot of Diana Yuh-Jy Lin
Johnson School

Student Voices: Meet Diana Yuh-Jy Lin, One-Year MBA Class of 2021

Business manager, Big Red Ventures fund manager, and Student Council representative, learn why Diana Yuh-Jy Lin joined the One-Year MBA Class of 2021.

A robotic hotel concierge at work
Nolan School

Hospitality professionals balance robots and human touch for post-COVID-19 era

Hotel industry experts offer insights into the development of automated service innovations in response to customers’ COVID-19 concerns.

Image of Dean Walsh and hotel and tech leaders Ian Schrager, Bill Patterson and Pasquale DeMaio, explore the landscape of post-pandemic customer relations on a zoom style meet up
Johnson School

Noteworthy: Innovating for a Post-Pandemic Future

Industry leaders discuss challenges and opportunities facing the hospitality industry in a post-pandemic world.

headshot of Laillah Rice
Johnson School

Raising the visibility of antiracist, pro-humanity initiatives

Laillah Rice, MBA ’09, and fellow senior marketers launched the Humanity Lab to support social justice activists and organizations.

Picture of Statler Hall, the home of the C&I Internship Program
Nolan School

Noteworthy: SHA Career Management and Centers & Institutes reinstate internship program

The C&I Internship Program helps students find internships in the hospitality industry.

Advertisement slide for virtual Kick-Off event
Nolan School

Welcome to the Pillsbury Institute for Hospitality Entrepreneurship Virtual Kick-Off Event!

The Pillsbury Kick-off event allows budding entrepreneurs an overview of hospitality related programs and competitions available.