A Nairobi sunrise, vegetarian haggis, a seat at the table, and friends for life
Dyson's Class of 2020 shares their favorite Cornell memories

From international study trips and class projects to hearing from guest speakers and forming lifelong friendships, Dyson graduates in the Class of 2020 share their favorite memories from their time at Cornell. While each reflection is unique, a common theme is clear: Dyson’s spirit of diversity and collaboration has made a lasting impact.
Congratulations to our newest business leaders in applied economics and management!
“I am happy to say that I have made lifelong friends as a result of being a member of the Dyson Leadership Fellows. I was able to connect with people who were very different from me and I think we complement each other very well. Our differences ranged from our socio-economic, cultural, racial, and geographical backgrounds.
The Dyson School has been one of the most diverse places I have had the opportunity to be a part of. It made me appreciate the broad range of experience each student brought to the table, and this seeped into our teamwork. Having similar goals made it easier for us to connect, and even though we were all different and had different temperaments, we never had a disagreement we could not resolve as a team. I kept to myself during our initial meetings because I did not know how my views would be perceived; however, I soon learned that everyone at our meetings wanted to see what I could bring to the table. Knowing that my team genuinely wanted to hear from me boosted my confidence. I learned that keeping an open mind was an essential skill and it increased creativity, helped during problem-solving and decision making, and increased engagement in the different projects.”
“Along with spending time on the Ag Quad when the weather is nice, visiting LVMH Moët Hennessy, Equinox, and Starbucks Reserve, on the HADM 4435 – Luxury Marketing NYC trip was one of the highlights!”
“My favorite Dyson memory is going to Kenya as part of a SMART team. This program offered me a unique ability to not only travel but also become completely immersed in a new country and culture. In our two weeks there, we saw more of Nairobi than perhaps even locals, traveling to a new part almost every day to visit supermarkets, former SMART companies, a university, local markets, and more.
One of my favorite days on this trip was that of our six-hour safari at Nairobi National Park. We had to wake up at an ungodly hour and arrived at the park before the sun had risen. This meant that we got to see the sun rise over the park and its backdrop of Nairobi, which was an incredible experience. We also got to see animals as they had just woken up; it’s too bad they didn’t have a cup of Kenyan tea to help with the process.
“My favorite Cornell memory was going to Edinburgh and London over Spring Break for AEM 3605 – Brexit Study Trip with Terry Alexander, senior lecturer in applied economics, and 12 fellow Dyson students! During the trip we met members of the Scottish Parliament, spoke to locals about their views on Brexit and how it affected them, visited numerous historically significant places, and explored local food (vegetarian haggis is awesome) and drink. While on this trip, I fell in love with Edinburgh and made priceless memories that will last a lifetime.”
“My favorite memory is forming Phi Beta Lambda Professional Business Society with Dyson friends as well as friends in other majors. Learning from others in ways that bridged the gap between the Dyson community and the rest of Cornell was an extremely rewarding experience!”
“My favorite memory at Dyson was being able to create the Business Students of Color Coalition with Olo, Jenn, and Julio. When we felt that we needed more community and support, Dyson helped us to become an established organization and worked with us to create permanent change. We were able to create an organization that made us feel like we were all family—that we were supported and appreciated. Dyson gave me the opportunity to explore change and made way for us to bring our community to light. I’ve learned so much from Jen Majka and our interactions with Dean Wooten and Student Services. I am grateful for the safe space (Warren B42) that brings together Dyson students of various identities and the memories of belonging at Dyson. Thanks to Dyson for taking a chance on lil ol’ me from Queens.”
“One of my favorite memories is joining the Cornell Investment Banking Club and having the opportunity to mentor the most driven underclassmen.”
“I’d say my favorite college memory was meeting my best friends in AEM 2200 – Business Management and Organization. That class introduced me to Dyson in such a fun way and I know that I’ll have those people in my life forever. We’ve been through a lot together, and still talk every day even in these unique times. I’m excited that we are all going to be in NYC next year so I can have a bit of Cornell with me as I move on!”
“Dyson’s collaborative culture allowed me to get to know so many amazing people at Cornell. I met some of my closest friends through AEM and am so lucky to have shared my college experience with such a supportive and tight-knit group of people. And being a TA for Cindy van Es’s class AEM 2100: Introductory Statistics!”
“Beating Dartmouth in football this year!”
Read the recap: Football Hands #12 Dartmouth First Loss, 20-17
“I had an amazing time at Cornell and I absolutely loved everything about my experience here! One of my favorite classes was AEM 3220 – Digital Business Strategy, where I gained a lot of perspectives through hands-on projects, case studies, and guest speakers. A favorite memory from this class will be participating in a roundtable discussion with Reggie Fils-Aimé and learning from his experience.
Overall, the highlight of my journey at Cornell would definitely be the people—I met some of the most incredible and smartest people from around the world and will keep lifelong friendships with them. I am extremely proud and happy to be a Cornellian!”
“Making the Business Stats (AEM 3100) extra credit music video—such a fun and memorable class! Love Cindy Van Es and some ANOVA tables! Shoutout to my teammates: Jinjer Pearce, Joseph Olalusi, and Molly Pushner.”
“Each day is different than the last. It’s why every single day has been memorable for me during the last four years. Whether it be studying with friends in Mann Library, rehearsing for group presentations for the hundredth time, going to club meetings and getting dinner with everyone after, or sitting in a research lab running experiments, I have grown and learned so much. I think no matter how you approach college, never be afraid to go outside your comfort zone. It’s what I did in my AEM 2600 – Managerial Economics class when I nervously asked, Hey, do you want to sit together?’ to a girl I remembered from one of my other classes, and who knew we would become best friends who took many classes together and always scheduled a Mac’s flatbread run at the end of the day. So, what do I love about Cornell? Everything. Will I miss it? Most definitely—especially my AEM friends and professors.”
“I really enjoyed having the opportunity to TA for Pedro Pérez, senior lecturer, and AEM 2200 – Business Management and Organization. I think Professor Perez is one of the most eclectic, kind-hearted mentors I have ever had the privilege of having, and TA-ing AEM 2200 is one of the most gratifying experiences I’ve had at Cornell. I loved seeing the new generation of Dyson transfers interacting with one another, presenting their case studies at 10:10 in the morning, and asking TAs where their graded assignments were. I think AEM 2200 is the most pivotal class in any Dyson experience and I’m extremely glad I got to be a part of that.”