Careers & Recruiting
Updates from our career services team, including tips related to the job search and recruiting process.
Lessons learned: Recruitment tips from MPS in Management – Accounting alumni
Now with careers in the accounting field, MPS in Management – Accounting alumni share tips for current students during recruitment season.
Amazing, inspiring, and eye-opening: Nolan School students recap summer internships
Two dozen School of Hotel Administration undergraduates share their summer internship experiences in hospitality and beyond.
Profile in Leadership: Maggie Chan Jones, MBA ’09, founder and CEO of Tenshey
Former SAP CMO Maggie Chan Jones launched executive coaching firm Tenshey to advance gender diversity and leadership development.
Dwane Morgan ’02: When life gives you data, make decisions
Dwane Morgan ’02, director of global consumer insights at Under Armour, has an analytical view of the world—every interaction is a learning experience.
Near or far, promotion or pivot: Career development in the Americas program
Liz Colodny explains how the Executive MBA Career Development Office coaches Americas students and facilitates career and leadership development.
A networking story: The two-way benefits of building relationships in business
Ellis Chase, career advisor, shares his own story on the symbiotic effects of building relationships in business.
Park Perspectives: The plan after the plan
Matt Pundmann, Two-Year MBA ’19, found a sense of stability and understanding in the Johnson community despite not knowing what exactly is next.
Park Perspectives: An MBA can be a “career enhancer”
Lindsey Staley, Two Year MBA Æ19, explains how continuing a career and pursuing an MBA do not need to be mutually exclusive.
Park Fellows alumni spotlight: Jodi Glickman, MBA ’02
Jodi Glickman, MBA ’02, CEO & founder of Great On The Job, discusses her career journey, the importance of being “great on the job,” and making a difference.