Cornell Enterprise

Startup Snapshot: Natural Selection

Startup Snapshot: Natural Selection

Jay Bhatty, MBA ’08: CEO and founder,

The Transformative Power of Blockchain
Johnson School

The transformative power of blockchain

Cryptocurrencies aside, blockchain technology is set to transform a host of industries beyond finance.

CIOs Move to Center Stage
Johnson School

CIOs Move to Center Stage

Today, IT is essential to the success of practically every organization — and so is the CIO.

Startup Snapshot: Plants into Prosperity

Startup Snapshot: Plants into Prosperity

Achenyo Idachaba-Obaro, MBA ’98: Founder and Creative Director, MitiMeth

Startup Snapshot: Two Cornellians, One Dream

Startup Snapshot: Two Cornellians, One Dream

Gerhard Grueter, MBA ’02, and Jurgen Gebhard, MBA ’03: Co-founders and managing directors, Lawson Conner Services Limited

Purposeful challenges us all to be movement starters

Purposeful challenges us all to be movement starters

Purposeful, a new book by Jennifer Dulski ’93, MBA ’99, shows how successful changemakers gain momentum.

Switching it up

Switching it up

Bob Harayda, MBA ’85, CFO of Marina Bay Sands: Making the move from Texas’ ExxonMobil to Singapore’s iconic landmark

Zhu Shen’s Journey: How recovery from loss transformed her life

Zhu Shen’s Journey: How recovery from loss transformed her life

An unlikely journey from biotech scientist to documentary filmmaker