In The Media

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Dyson BusinessFeed

Biden’s diversity policies may line up with corporate America’s

Associate Professor Scott Yonker points to a shift from soulless corporations to ones with conscience towards their role in society.

Time Magazine logo
Dyson BusinessFeed

Why the U.S. could be the big loser in the huge RCEP trade deal between China and 14 other countries

Professor Eswar Prasad discusses China’s growing influence as a global power, both politically and economically.

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Nolan School BusinessFeed

Airbnb’s IPO filing proves how little it needs to advertise

Professor Chekitan Dev discusses the strength and power of Airbnb in the new world of hospitality and hotels.

AP News logo
Dyson BusinessFeed

Top CEOs largely silent on Trump election denial, for now

Professor Eswar Prasad points to potential risks for the economy caused by the U.S. President’s election result denial.

Press-Republican logo
Nolan School BusinessFeed

Sheriffs’ group: Gathering mandate poses tall challenges

Lecturer Lilly Jan says New York State’s recent physical gathering mandates around COVID could cut into restaurant profits.

The Hill logo
Nolan School BusinessFeed

Restaurants go seasonal with winter shutdowns during pandemic

Professor Alex Susskind says restaurants are potentially in for difficult decisions as a fiscal stimulus package remains out of reach.

Business Insider logo
Johnson BusinessFeed

The 25 best MBA programs in the world for a career in finance

In this business school analysis, Johnson is in the top 10 for best MBA programs for a career in finance.

WENY News logo
Johnson BusinessFeed

Cornell prof. talks about voter confidence as absentee ballots are counted

Assistant Professor Bill Schmidt says talk of illegal ballots and voter fraud could be contributing to the political divide in the country.

The Counter logo
Nolan School BusinessFeed

To survive the pandemic, restaurants are offering subscriptions for bottomless coffee and beer. Will the model last?

Professor Alex Susskind and Lecturer Lily Jan discuss the reality of restaurants returning to ensure a steady stream of revenue.