
Hernan Saenz
Johnson BusinessFeed

Present Value: Hernan Saenz reflects on his 20-plus years in consulting and looks ahead

The Present Value podcast interviews Hernan Saenz, MILR ’98, MBA ’98, as he reflects on his past in consulting and what’s to come in the future.

Faculty Highlight: Christopher Marquis, Research awards and honors
Johnson BusinessFeed

Christopher Marquis’s co-authored paper recognized for “responsible research”

Christopher Marquis was recognized as a finalist for the 2019 Responsible Research in Management award for his paper published in Organization Science.

Geraldine McGinty
Johnson BusinessFeed

Noteworthy: Dr. Geraldine McGinty discusses the benefits of an MBA

Dr. Geraldine McGinty, MD, MBA, FACR, discusses the benefits of an MBA for healthcare professionals with the Radiology Leadership Institute.

Mark Nelson and Robert Libby
Johnson BusinessFeed

Present Value: Nelson and Libby on financial accounting fraud, past and future

Present Value interviews Mark Nelson and Robert Libby, both of whom are longtime Johnson professors and experts in financial accounting.

Vice Logo
Johnson BusinessFeed

The college scam defendants’ privilege is following them into court

Robert Frank, economics professor at Johnson, weighs in on why, all too often, legal outcomes are based on the ability of defendants to pay for A-List representation.

Johnson BusinessFeed

Destinations at Risk: The Invisible Burden of Tourism

Mark Milstein and the Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise co-authored a report describing how destinations must uncover and account for tourism’s hidden costs.

Lourdes and Sergio seated together
Johnson BusinessFeed

Cornell law student and EMI’s Casanova discuss Operation Car Wash

Operation Car Wash, Brazil’s ongoing investigation of systemic corruption, exposed money-laundering schemes at Petrobras and other state-owned organizations.

The Smith Family Business Initiative (SFBI)
Johnson BusinessFeed

Helping family businesses thrive: SFBI turns five years old

A Cornell-wide program, the Smith Family Business Initiative was founded in 2014 with a $10 million donation from John Smith, MBA ’74, and his wife, Dyan.

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Johnson BusinessFeed

Your new most annoying overachieving coworker is a robot

Johnson economics professor Ori Heffetz co-authors a report examining the effect working alongside robots has on human self-esteem and labor output.