
Photo of Dale Grossman in her office
Dyson BusinessFeed

Quick Q&A: Dale Grossman

Hiking enthusiast, law professional, and seasoned advisor—learn a little more about Dale Grossman, senior lecturer and director of undergraduate advising at the Dyson School.

Portrait of Josefina Hamren
Johnson BusinessFeed

Josefina Hamren ’15, MBA ’18: Innovating in fashion, tech, and business

Cornell’s cross-functional offerings helped Josefina Hamren, MBA ’18, dive into her interests and grow as an innovator at two different times in her life. After graduating with a Johnson Cornell Tech MBA—she’s officially a “double Red.”

Portrait of Symone Williams
Johnson BusinessFeed

Symone Williams, MBA ’19: Living with impact

Growing up, Symone Williams, MBA ’19, experienced the influence of environment on education. Now, she’s giving back to her community and beyond.

Photo of Karthika's son walking a dog and smiling
Johnson BusinessFeed

Reflections on Mother’s Day from MBA mamas

Happy Mother’s Day! Today, as we celebrate the special women and mothers in our lives, here are few reflections from some of Johnson’s MBA mamas.

Photo of three people holding Johnson banner in a restaurant
Johnson BusinessFeed

Johnson Club of China celebrates 10th Anniversary

In 2008, Geoffrey Lim and Charlotte Ye, both MBA ’00, launched a vibrant new community: the Johnson Club of China, in Beijing, Hong Kong, and Shanghai.

Photo of Nick and Katie Meyer wearing Cornell clothing
Johnson BusinessFeed

Better together: One married couple’s experience in the Executive MBA Metro NY program

Nick and Katie Meyer share how their experience as a married couple in the Executive MBA Metro NY program has helped them grow both personally and professionally.

Photo of Diana with her son, husband, and daughter sitting on a staircase
Johnson BusinessFeed

Diana Bricknell, MBA ’16: Going back to school and becoming her best self

Americas graduate Diana Bricknell, MBA ’16, is steadfast in her commitment to bringing more women in STEM into the fold and ushering in change that has been long overdue.

Photo of text that says: integrity, honest, moral character
Nolan School BusinessFeed

Taking aim at false empowerment: How leaders can build a culture of trust

Management and organizational behavior professor Tony Simons takes aim at a popular management practice that can do more harm than good if poorly implemented.

Photo of healthcare professionals collaborating around a table
Johnson BusinessFeed

Curriculum to strengthen and empower tomorrow’s healthcare leaders

At the heart of our Executive MBA/MS in Healthcare Leadership program is a specialized curriculum that helps candidates strengthen their business skills and management capabilities as they relate to the healthcare industry.